Altruist Comics is proud to launch Bullet Adventures issues 2 and 3 on Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/altruistcomics/bulletadventures2
After Dale DeSouza was sent back to Bullet’s heroic beginnings in the ‘60s last issue, we jump ahead to the present day for a battle with a new version of Diamond Dust in #2, followed by the menacing new villain Cupid, unleashed in #3. Releasing both simultaneously will have this series in readers’ hands faster than Bullet himself!
Writer/Bullet co-creator Jordan Alsaqa says, “Bullet Adventures 2 is its own entirely fresh starting point for the series that sends the Silver Age spirit of the one-shot speeding into the modern day. It’s a fun-filled introduction to the future Dale DeSouza fought to protect and the legacy he left behind.” Wait, a reboot with the second issue? “Not exactly,” adds Altruist Comics Publisher Randy Stone, “but this is where the series really picks up and fans won’t believe what we have in store. Minds will be blown by the second page of issue 2 and the cliffhanger ending is just *chef’s kiss*.” Readers can see for themselves with a FREE advanced download of #2 here: https://altruistcomics.com/bulletadventures02story
The campaign runs from January 24 to February 23, 2023.
About the Creative Team:
Jordan Alsaqa is a Palestinian-American comic writer. He graduated from N.C. State University with a degree in Creative Writing, and his first one-shot Terminal Protocol was published by Scout Comics. His horror series Welderkin was published digitally by Comicker Press. Jordan is currently writing Cooking with Monsters, a YA fantasy series co-created with artist Vivian Truong, for IDW. @EndigoMaster
Randy Stone has either written, drawn, inked, or lettered various comics, including projects with Scout Comics and Arcana. Through Altruist Comics, Randy has published Bullet Adventures, Bullet, The Sensational Swan, the Crime Pays anthology, and his collection of shorts Death & Comics. @RandyStoneCotW
Nicolás Carrizo is a Chilean comic artist and Bullet Adventures is his first professional work. @NicoChorizo
Francesca Cittarelli graduated from the International School of Comics in Rome, where she later completed a Master in Digital Coloring. In 2015 she started working as a flatter and color assistant on several Italian and American projects, debuting as a solo colorist on Vampirella in 2020, followed by the miniseries Vampiverse (Dynamite). She is currently juggling several projects for both the Italian and American market (Scout Comics, Altruist Comics, Panini Comics). @ZychelFran
Lucas Gattoni is a comic book letterer with almost 20 years of experience as a graphic designer and typesetter. He’s lettered GLAAD nominees Liebestrasse (ComiXology Originals) and Killer Queens (Dark Horse), stories in the DC Pride Special 2022, and many other fun projects. He lives in Argentina with his husband and their three unnamed goldfish (oops! Make that two now). @LetteringBear
Altruist Comics is making the world better…with comics! This means helping emerging creators and supporting those from underrepresented groups as much as bringing entertainment to the masses. Since 2019, Altruist has been publishing titles ranging from crime and horror to all-ages superhero books, with plenty more in store. @AltruistComics